Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (2025)

Stay in touch with your advisor throughout your journey and take advantage of their guidance, encouragement, and tools for success.




Awarded the highest honors by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), the University of Florida executes on an Academic Advising plan for its online students comprising three components.

Transition Advising

Pre-admissions coaching and post-admissions orientation programs have been designed to help students evaluate their readiness for online learning, and to ensure that students have a realistic understanding of expectations. The first year will include monitoring of student engagement, one-on-one interactions with a transition advisor, and a series of online workshops that focus on organizational skills, study skills, time management, and other critical issues for success. Transition advisors will partner with the Dean of Students Office in developing and teaching a college success course for online learners, similar to the on-campus First Year Florida course. Online students of the University of Florida will also learn how to access key support services such as financial aid, bursar, registrar, IT support and counseling services.

Major Advising

In order to ensure their academic success, students admitted to UF are immediately assigned to an advisor in their college. That advisor then becomes a consistent and direct point of contact throughout their time at the University of Florida and is responsible for initiating regular contact with the student. In this way, students are set up so that they have easy access to advisors, sufficient time available during their advising sessions, and receive reliable and timely information when they need it.

Group Advising

Another means of bolstering the success of UF students is by building a strong sense of community and connection as well as effectively delivering quality advising to a large number of distance students through group advising. Relevant activities include active and directed online chats as well as online workshops led by advisors (which will be delivered synchronously and asynchronously).

While each major has a recommended semester plan, your personal situation will determine the pace at which you’ll complete your degree. Online students of the University of Florida are strongly encouraged to work with their advisors to plan their academic schedules.

Here are some general guidelines:

Course Load

  • In general, students are advised to take no more than 15 credits per term.
  • If you work part-time, consider taking only 12 credits (three or four courses) per term.
  • If you work full-time, consider taking three to eight credits (one or two courses) per term.
  • Taking one course per term is allowed though doing so may significantly extend your expected graduation date.
  • Students can take a semester off, but if you take two or more semesters off in a row, you will need to apply for readmission to UF (Summer counts as one term). Students in good academic and judicial standing will be readmitted.

Selecting Courses

  • Check your degree requirements
    • Make sure to meet all of your lower division requirements.
    • Take prerequisite courses as soon as possible in order to qualify for enrollment in more advanced courses.
  • Pair heavier courses with less difficult courses
    • For example, if your strengths are in writing, plan to pair writing-based courses with math or project-based courses in any given semester.
  • Review the schedule of courses and consult your advisor
    • Consider taking courses that are offered less often (once a year) before courses that are offered every semester.
  • Schedule an advising appointment and clear all registration holds prior to your assigned registration time.
  • Register for courses at your assigned registration time to assure the best possible selection of courses.
    • Not registering at your assigned registration time may limit your ability to register for certain courses.

The work required for online courses can take a variety of forms such as lectures, discussion boards, reading, interactive labs, group projects, problem sets, research papers and recorded presentations. In general, you should allot three to four hours of work per week for every credit. Therefore, for an average course load of 12 credits per semester, students should schedule 36 to 48 hours of study time per week.

Here are some suggestions to help manage your coursework.

  • At the start of each term, read the calendar and syllabus for each course you’re enrolled in to understand:
    • the work required for the course
    • assignment and exam deadlines
  • Plot out your coursework in your calendar.
    • Set specific times to work on course materials.
    • Give yourself time to absorb the content; shorter, more frequent study sessions will improve comprehension (and stress levels) than one massive study session per week.
  • Communicate with your instructors and classmates.
    • Ask questions, participate in online discussions and take advantage of additional study sessions.
    • Form study groups with other UF students, especially those living in your area or region.
  • Solve technical issues before an assignment is due.
    • If you’re asked to use unfamiliar software or hardware, review all of the requirements at least a week before you plan to use it.
  • Always complete extra credit, low credit or “completion credit” activities.
    • A few points can make the difference in making the cutoff for final letter grades.
    • The more you interact with course materials, especially those highlighted in these types of activities, the better you’re likely to do in exams and final projects.
  • Review past or practice exams on the course website as these reflect:
    • what types of questions the instructor asks
    • how the instructor expects the questions to be answered
    • what subjects you may need to focus on
  • If applicable, try to involve your family with your study sessions by having them:
    • take on additional chores to free up study time for you
    • work on their school assignments or quiet reading at the same time
    • help out in other ways that fit your living situation
  • UF Library for Distance Learning Students

    The Libraries of the University of Florida form the largest information resource system in the state. Collections cover virtually all disciplines and include a wide array of formats — from books and journals to manuscripts, maps and recorded music.

  • English Spelling and Grammar Checker

    Students are encouraged to use this free tool that quickly and easily checks text for any spelling, grammatical, or punctuation mistakes. It also offers suggestions and alternative words to correct mistakes or enhance the text, as well as offer explanations on marked sections.

  • Academic Advising

    When you’re having problems with your courses, your academic advisor — assigned to each student upon enrollment — can provide you with concrete strategies for handling your situation; offer advice on how to best juggle your personal life, work and school; and provide you with prompt administrative assistance.

  • Instructors and TAs (see your syllabus or theUF Phonebook)

    Your instructors and TAs are available during the office hours that they post on their course syllabi. You can reach them via the course website, phone or email. If you’re not performing well on your quizzes and exams, contact your professor or TA early on in the semester so they can help you with the course material.

  • Disability Resource Center

    The UF Disability Resource Center (DRC) provides accommodations to students with physical, learning, sensory or psychological disabilities.Register with the DRCin order to secure accommodations.

  • UF Undergraduate Catalog

    The Undergraduate Catalog contains course descriptions, semester dates and deadlines, academic regulations and more.

  • UF Bookstore

    The UF Bookstore stocks the correct version of the required and recommended books for all UF courses. That said, UF students can order their books from any retailer.

  • UF Teaching Center Study Skills Videos

    The UF Teaching Center has a series of helpful videos designed to help students improve their academic performance. Topics include improving your memory, test and note taking, time management, and mid-term and final exam prep.

Find Your Academic Advisor

Your dedicated advisor is your first point of contact for any questions or concerns about UF’s policies or requirements. Use the tool below to locate your UF Online advisor’s contact information and schedule an appointment.

Incoming Students

Please contact Andrew Horvath with your initial advising questions.

Current Students

Please schedule an appointment with your CALS departmental advisor on a semester-by-semester basis.

Incoming Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (1)

Andrew Horvath

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

ahorvath@ufl.edu352-273-3475Book an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (2)

Andrew Horvath

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

ahorvath@ufl.edu352-273-3475Book an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (3)

Ally Fleisher

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

entnem.advisors@ifas.ufl.eduBook an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (4)

Becky Cook

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

rtrammell@ufl.edu352-273-2573Book an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (5)

Daphne Flournoy

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

dflourney@ufl.eduBook an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (6)

Alexis Tilton

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

stricklanda@ufl.eduBook an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (7)

Savannah Linzmaier

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

slinzmaier@ufl.eduBook an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (8)

Dr. Tracy Johns

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (9)

Feenix Hartell

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

fhartell@ufl.eduBook an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (10)

Herschel Johnson

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

fshnadvising@ifas.ufl.eduBook an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (11)

Jenna Grogan

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

fshnadvising@ifas.ufl.eduBook an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (12)

Jackie Gilley

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Jgilley1@ufl.edu352-273-3852Book an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (13)

Jeanie Houk

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

jeanie.houk@ufl.eduBook an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (14)

Kristina Haselier

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

khaselier@ufl.edu352-846-0847Book an appointment

Current Students

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (15)

Michael J. Sisk

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

soils-advising@ifas.ufl.edu352-294-3152Book an appointment

Current Students

Karen Bray

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences


Incoming Students

Please do not schedule an appointment with your advisor; instead, please review theCJC PaCE Websiteand register for a CJC PaCE Virtual Information Session to learn more information about our college’s majors. You will meet with your advisor after you have attended UF’s first-year orientation event (Preview).

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (16)

Layne Weitzel

College of Journalism

ljweitzel@ufl.edu352-392-1124Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (17)

Jennifer Barrett

College of Journalism

jeb@ufl.edu352-3392-1124Book an appointment

Last Names A-K

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (18)

Robert Lopez

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu352-294-2205Book an appointment

Last Names L-Z

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (19)

Nicole Raymond

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu352-294-2205Book an appointment

Last Names A-K

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (20)

Sarah Morais

Warrington College of Business

sarah.morais@warrington.ufl.eduBook an appointment

Last Names L-Z

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (21)

Daniel Byrd

Warrington College of Business

daniel.byrd@warrington.ufl.eduBook an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (22)

Jennifer Gove-Cooper, M.S.

Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering


Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (23)

Chris Kozak

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu352-294-2205Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (24)

Dana Meyers

College of the Arts

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (25)

Ali Nottke

College of the Arts

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (26)

Brian Taylor

College of the Arts

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (27)

Earl McKee

College of Education


Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (28)

Pat De Jong

College of Design, Construction, and Planning


Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (29)

Bobbi Cabaret

College of Health and Human Performance

bcabaret@ufl.edu352-294-1643Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (30)

Erica Alexander

College of Health and Human Performance

ericaalexander@ufl.edu352-294-1801Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (31)

Paul Higgerson

College of Health and Human Performance

phiggerson@ufl.edu352-392-4042Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (32)

Becky Cook

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

rtrammel@ufl.edu352-273-2573Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (33)

Ally Fleischer

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences


Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (34)

Anthony Auletta

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences


Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (35)

Michael Sisk

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

soils-advising@ifas.ufl.edu352-294-3152Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (36)

Heather Enloe

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

soils-advising@ifas.ufl.edu352-294-3139Book an appointment

Scheduling Appointments

When scheduling an appointment with your academic advisor, be sure to select “UF online only Advising appointment – UF EMAIL ONLY”.

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (37)

Jaysankar De

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

jde@ufl.edu352-273-4206Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (38)

Alexandra Pass

College of the Arts

alexandra@digitalworlds.ufl.edu352-294-2000Book an appointment

Incoming Students

Please do not schedule an appointment with your advisor; instead, you will attend an online advising/registration meeting as part of the Heavener Online Welcome (HOW) business orientation. Please see theHSB Orientation Checklistfor more details.

Business majors are assigned to an advisor based on the first letter of their last name:

Online Business Program

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (39)

333 Heavener Hall

College of Business

Last Names A-H & U-Z

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (40)

Ella Y. Tabares

College of Business

Ella.Tabares@warrington.ufl.eduBook an appointment

Last Names A-H & U-Z

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (41)

Kari Shattuck

College of Business

kari.shattuck@warrington.ufl.eduBook an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (42)

Keith Collins

College of Design, Construction, and Planning


Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (43)

Earl McKee

College of Education


Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (44)

Robin Rossie

College of Education


Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (45)

Erica Alexander

College of Health and Human Performance

ericaalexander@ufl.edu352-294-1801Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (46)

Paul Higgerson

College of Health and Human Performance

phiggerson@ufl.edu352-392-4042Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (47)

Bobbi Cabaret

College of Health and Human Performance

bcabaret@ufl.edu352-294-1643Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (48)

Chanelle Cox

College of Journalism and Communications

chanelle.cox@ufl.edu352-392-1124Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (49)

Jennifer Barrett

College of Journalism and Communications

jeb@ufl.edu352-392-1124Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (50)

Bridget Dunbar

College of Journalism and Communications

bdunbar@jou.ufl.edu352-392-1124Book an appointment


If you have questions about major requirements for the Criminology major, you can contact the department atufocrimadvising@crim.ufl.eduor(352) 294-7193.

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (51)

Laura Beth Lancaster

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edutel:1-352-2942205Book an appointment

Computer Science

If you have questions about major requirements for the Computer Science major, you can contact the department advisorMatthew

Last NamesA-G

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (52)

Chris Kozak

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu352-294-2205Book an appointment

Last NamesH-O

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (53)

Roxanna Ruiz-Vazquez

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu352-294-2205Book an appointment

Last NamesP-Z

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (54)

Fallen Lee

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu352-294-2205Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (55)

Dylan King

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu352-2942205Book an appointment

Last NamesA-L

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (56)

Roxanna Ruiz-Vazquez

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu352-294-2205Book an appointment

Last NamesM-Z

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (57)

Fallen Lee

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu352-294-2205Book an appointment

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (58)

Robert Lopez

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

clasufonline@advising.ufl.edu32-294-2205Book an appointment

Incoming Students

Please do not schedule an appointment with your advisor.Instead, you will attend a virtual College of Nursing Orientation session in Canvas. Prior to the start of your first term, you will receive additional information about this orientation session from your academic advisor, Katriana.

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (59)

Katriana Rivera

College of Nursing


Freshman and Lower-Division

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (60)

Andrea Smith

College of Public Health and Health Professions


Freshman and Lower-Division

Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (61)

Robert Doyle

College of Public Health and Health Professions



Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (62)

Brenda McDonnell

College of Public Health and Health Professions


How to ApplyMomentum begins here! Whether you’re entering college for the first time or transferring your coursework, find out how you can accelerate your future as a part of the Gator Nation.How To ApplyQuestions? Let’s TalkWe’re here to answer your questions. Give us a call 1-855-99GATOR to speak with a member of the admissions team.Contact Us
Academic Advising - University of Florida Online (2025)


How do I contact the academic advisor of UF? ›

Students can call-in to speak with their advisor, based on the calendar listed below, by calling us at 352-294-2205. Below the calendar, you'll see more information about when you should utilize call-in advising, or when you should schedule an appointment.

How do I contact UF online? ›

For information about our programs, admissions, and/or your application to UF Online: Request Information. Contact Admissions. tel: 1-855-994-2867.

Is University of Florida online hard to get into? ›

The acceptance rate at the University of Florida Online is 65%. While that's not particularly high, especially compared to other online colleges, it's nearly three times as high as the acceptance rate for on-campus programs at the University of Florida.

How do I contact FIU academic advisor? ›

Thinking about coming to FIU and becoming a CASE major? Visit our Prospective Students page and get all the resources you need to explore our programs and apply to be an FIU Panther! Changing or adding a major or minor? Call Advising at 305-348-2978 to schedule an appointment with an advisor.

How to schedule a meeting with advisor UF? ›

You can schedule an appointment with your assigned advisor online through our website.

Is UF and UF online the same? ›

As a UF Online student, you'll learn from the same UF faculty and earn the same UF degree while studying from anywhere in the world.

How do I email UF admissions counselor? ›

Questions? Please contact your UF representative or email

How do I contact Florida Virtual? ›

You can call us at 800-374-1430. We're available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on weekends from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Is an online degree from UF worth it? ›

With a degree from our top-ranked, accredited institution, your future is ignited and your spark stands out. UF Online offers you an affordable, flexible, and high quality education that challenges ideas about what is possible in online learning.

Is UF harder to get into than Harvard? ›

Is Harvard University or University of Florida (UF) Harder to get into? Which school is easier to get into? If you're looking at acceptance rate alone, then Harvard University is more difficult to get into.

What is the lowest GPA accepted to UF? ›

Must have a minimum 2.0 overall GPA and a minimum 2.0 GPA at the last institution attended, as calculated by UF. Must complete or will complete specific prerequisites for the intended major before attending UF.

How do I contact the UF advisor? ›

Undergraduate students enrolled in the UF Online program should call 352-294-3290 or for email reply complete this contact form.

How much do academic advisors make at FIU? ›

Average Florida International University Academic Advisor yearly pay in the United States is approximately $48,282, which is 8% above the national average.

How do I contact my USF academic advisor? ›

If you need assistance making an advising appointment please contact the Undergraduate Studies at St. Petersburg at (727) 873-4511 or Active and Enrolled USF students should schedule online using Archivum Appointment Scheduling.

Who is the chief academic officer at UF? ›

Scott Angle. The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer and the second ranking officer of the university, acting for the President in his absence.

How do I find my academic advisor Umass? ›

All students are assigned academic advisers to guide them through their academic careers. You can find your adviser by logging into SiS Student Center and looking at the adviser box on the right column. You should schedule an appointment to meet with your adviser prior to registering for your courses each semester.

How do I report a professor at UF? ›

Anonymous reports can be made to the UF Compliance Hotline by calling (877) 556-5356 or by using its online reporting service. You may report violations or concerns to your immediate supervisor or department head, if appropriate.

How do I email UF admissions questions? ›


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 6304

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.