Hunter Biden
Christian Broadcasting and the Church
In 1991, 33 years ago, which is interesting considering what is happening in the church being Jesus Christ was 33 years old when he died at Calvary.
So 33 years ago this very dark movie called The Silence of the Lambs came out.
That title was the enemy's announcement of what in due season he was going to attempt to not only do to the Church, Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world so the silencing of Christ throughout this nation and the earth. It was the announcement of what was to come that spirit that wanted to SILENCE THE LAMBS.
Now, that same spirit 33 years later, has found a way into the church and Christian broadcasting and we are watching this spirit attempting another SILENCE OF THE LAMBS.
We see members of the Lamb family of Daystar attempting to be silenced, and we then have the church--the flock, and the Lamb's, now threatening letters of lawsuits have gone out to attempt to silence the sheep, the Lamb's in the Church, and then you have the silence of the little Lamb's, the innocent children in this.
This same spirit can present in different ways depending on the situation and the level of destruction that this spirit, a deceiving, loathful, manipulative, controlling, greedy, and violent, this spirit targets those who are anointed to lead and goes to work to sabotage and destroy the call.
1 Samuel 22:8-9
8 For all of you have conspired against me so that no one [a]informs me when my son [Jonathan] makes a covenant with the son of Jesse. None of you cares about me or informs me that my son has stirred up my servant against me to lie in ambush, as he does this day?” 9 Then Doeg the Edomite, who was standing with Saul’s servants, replied, “I saw the son of Jesse coming to Nob, to Ahimelech [the priest] the son of Ahitub.
So Saul is spinning this as if he were conspired against when actually This is a matter of aligning with the Lord’s will.
It becomes a battle of Saul’s will, which is distorted, verses the Lord’s will.
Saul has a will and a vision that is distorted and those who are serving that vision for profit, and the Lord has a Will that saul has broke alignment with for HIS VISION OF HOW HE THINKS THINGS SHOULD LOOK AND BE.
1 Samuel 22:13
13 Saul said to him, “Why have you and the son of Jesse conspired against me, in that you have given him bread and a sword and have inquired of God for him, so he would rebel against me by lying in ambush, as he does this day?”
Saul is now accusingthe priest,, the spiritual leaders of conspiracy when in fact all the priest did was provide david some supplies so he would rebel against me by lying in ambush, as he does this day?”
Saul is accusing of the very thing he has done, he has rebelled, and attempted to ambush david and kill him.
That spirit will always accused those aligned with the will of God of doing what they are actually committing.
1 Samuel 22:17-19
17 And the king said to the guards who stood around him, “Turn around and kill the priests of the Lord, because their [a]loyalty also is with David, and because they knew that he was fleeing and did not inform me.” But the servants of the king were not willing to put out their hands to attack the Lord’s priests. 18 So the king said to Doeg, “You turn around and attack the priests.” And Doeg the Edomite turned and [b]attacked the priests, and that day he killed eighty-five men who wore the [priest’s] linen ephod. 19 And he struck Nob the city of the priests with the edge of the sword, both men and women, children and infants; also he struck oxen and donkeys and sheep with the edge of the sword.
Saul used force intimidation and violence to try and subdue the spiritual leaders and force them to align with his counterfeit will.
1 Samuel 22:20-23
20 But one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped and fled to David. 21 Abiathar told David that Saul had murdered the Lord’s priests. 22 Then David said to Abiathar, “I knew that day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would certainly tell Saul. I have brought about the death of everyone in your father’s household (extended family). 23 Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your life, but you are safe with me.”
1 Samuel 23:15-18
15Now David became aware that Saul had come out to seek his life. David was in the Wilderness of Ziph [in the woods] at Horesh.16And Jonathan, Saul’s son, arose and went [into the woods] to David at Horesh, and[a]encouraged him in God.17He said to him, “Do not be afraid; the hand of my father Saul will not find you. You will be king over Israel and I will be second in command to you; my father Saul knows this too.”18So the two of them made a covenant before theLord; and David stayed [in the woods] at Horesh and Jonathan went to his house.
1 Samuel 23:24-28
24So they arose and went to Ziph ahead of Saul. Now David and his men were in the Wilderness of Maon, in the Arabah south of Jeshimon.25Then Saul and his men went to search for him. When David was toldabout it, he went down to the rock and stayed [there] in the Wilderness of Maon. When Saul heard it, he pursued David in the Wilderness of Maon.26Saul went on one side of the mountain, and David and his men on the other side of the mountain. And David was hurrying to get away from Saul, for Saul and his men were surrounding David and his men to capture them.27But a messenger came to Saul, saying, “Hurry and come, because the Philistines have attacked the land.”28So Saul returned from pursuing David and went to meet the Philistines; therefore they called that place the Rock of Escape.29[d]David went up from there and stayed in the strongholds of Engedi.
Last year I put this prophetic Word out from the Lord, that a judgment is coming to the House of the Lord, that a Spring cleaning was coming to the House of God. And we are going to see this happen now, because God has to get His House back in order because in these times, we need to be winning souls for the Lord. Because we don’t have, much of the prophecy has been fulfilled, when it comes to the Book of Revelation and we don’t know how much time we have left before the Lord returns. So, we need to be out there being a living letter read by all men. And the Church needs to be operating in the power of God where people are flocking to it, instead of running away from it. And what is happening is people are running from the Church instead of flocking to it because too much of the drama Telenovela “Days of our Lives” have gotten into the Church.
Too much of practices of sometimes, the occult has gotten into the Church, the ways of the world has gotten into the Church and now the people aren’t in fighting shape. And there are some pastors out there that are actually leading their flocks astray and encouraging them to mix worldly practices with Godly practices. And you know the Lord will not have His House in such disarray and the Lord will not have shepherd leading their flock to spiritual slaughter anymore. The Lord will not tolerate it, He will not have it and the Lord is going to now do something about it. And we are now going to see in the upcoming year, big names in the Christian world outed, and people are going to be shocked by what they are doing. Because what is hidden is being brought to light and what is behind closed doors God is going to expose and God is going to clean House, He’s going to clean leadership, He’s going to change the guard like I said and raise those up into positions God has called them to be who will be obedient to the Lord, who will be unapologetic about the Word of God, and about what the Lord is saying in these times and who will call on the Lord for the true power of Almighty God, revival and the fire of God to ignite the Churches again.
But, secrets that have laid hidden in leadership in churches, and in families; I’m talking secrets that have been kept for years are going to be exhumed and exposed by the Lord. So if that’s going on, keep praying to the Lord to exhume it and expose it because it says in Numbers it says, your sins shall find you out, so if someone’s doing something they shouldn’t and they keep hiding it, that sin at some point God is going to allow to find them out. But these family secrets and secrets in churches with leadership, because we’re in a season also where spring cleaning is coming to the house of God, has already started. We’re going to see this year into next year major leaders in the Christian world, have to step down because of what’s exposed that they’ve been doing behind closed doors. So when I tell you that secrets in families and in church leadership that have laid hidden for years are going to be exhumed and exposed by the Lord, I’m not kidding you.
A lot of time, people innocently get dragged into families and they don’t know that these families are hiding things, either through marriage or friendship, even in their own families and they don’t know that these things are being hidden but it’s affecting their lives. But yet it is affecting their lives an it’s destroying lives and a lot of times secrets and deceptions and lies are energy drainers, the people operating in them are energy drainers and they don’t care how much they destroy in you as long as they get to keep operating in their deception and their dysfunction. So we’re going to see a lot of family secrets outed and I’m telling you, the time is upon us, the hour is here that we’re going to see this happen, so buckle up and hang on guys because these people that have buried these secrets in families and in church leadership especially, it’s going to be exposed and it’s going to be forcefully exposed and it’s going to be exposed in a way that they can’t rebury it or get out of it this time because it needs to be dealt with and the people that it’s hurting needs to be freed. A lot of times deceptions and secrets and lies are very consuming in bondage, they keep people in bondage, they keep people stuck, they are stumbling blocks, they hinder what God really has for someone a lot of times. So, God wants to move somebody into the next level and this nonsense going on around them can become a hindrance and a distraction, so that’s why the Lord has to flush it out too.
Because the church is being shaken awake, and the Lord is using the enemy's own vices and his own attacks. He is using it in order to compel the church forward for as the Lord compelled Jesus into the wilderness to be tried and tested, so the Lord is compelling the church right now! He is compelling them out. He is giving them no choice; Jesus had no choice he had to go into the wilderness. He had to go right after he was baptized before he could be raised up in the ministry. He had to be tested, he had to be tried he had to go deeper with his Father and I know that's hard, because he's Jesus Christ, but he was in the flesh still, he was God and man all rolled into one. And he was in the flesh and he had to go deeper with the Lord, he had to in the flesh face the enemy. He had to in the flesh face him. He faced him as the king of kings in heaven, he seen the enemy go up there but he had to face him in the flesh, in order to defeat him, in order to cause him to flee, in order to resist him. And let me tell you something Almighty God is mounting a resistance in the church the likes the wicked has never seen! And as Athaliah says the Lord of hosts fell, as Athaliah for seven years reigned terror on My people, as she attempted to get rid of every bit of competition, so says the Lord God this day, that Spirit will fall. The sword of the Spirit and the sword of the Lord is going forth says the Lord thy God this day in this country. The sword of the Lord, I am not done yet says the Lord until the last trump says the Lord God this day. I AM NOT DONE ON PLANET EARTH and you My children are to occupy says the Lord till My return, you are to occupy! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise Me right now in symphony in one accord and cry out to Me My children, it will reach up into the heavenlyies before My throne and I shall be compelled to act. For I see what the enemy is doing and I see every avenue, every plot, every agreement, every back channel, every sacrifice, every meeting, every cloaked one that through the night in the wee hours of the night, meet cloaked in darkness thinking they can draw such power to overthrow Almighty God.
there is the power says the Lordand says the spirit of the Lord this day Ichabod has been written across the White Housesays the LordIchabod has been written on the churches says the Lordfor the glory has departed - for I the Lord thy God have removed my hand for a time - in such places in order to bring about events and purge and clean out the filth that is consumed the WhiteHouse - that is consumed the churches in my houseand says the spirit of the Lord this daythere shall be a time says the Lordwhere my glory now touches down and where that word Ichabod is removed says the Lordand it is cleansed and where my glory touches down not only in tangible ways says the Lordbut will sweep across the nation in a wave - there shall be waves of my glory says the Lord that touchdown on this nation.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, lions and tigers and bears, oh you who THINKS you are the great and powerful OZ but you are a coward, hiding behind the curtain of those who are speaking forth the lines they have been given for such a time. A small dog, the unexpected pulled that curtain back and the Lord says this day the most unexpected shall indeed pull your curtain back in this season, and who you really are in all of your patheticness and smoke and mirrors shall indeed emerge before the people on a world stage FOR THIS HAS BEEN AN ELABORATE PLAY says the Lord. An elaborate act with each assigned to juggle a roll and their talking points.
The persecuting spirit has been sent forth with force to intimidate the people through the events unfolding in your nation, those who grin at such what a sad a pathetic group says the Lord, they shall find themselves flat on their backs, those grins will not last for long as they think they have hunted down Prey, the hunter shall become the hunted, this will echo in this season once again, it has gone forth however the hunters have set themselves up to become prey for they shall be hunted down by their own agendas, by their own accusations, by their own weapons of destruction that they shall lose control of these beasts and they shall become the hunted for what they have done.
HUNTERS, says the Lord. Watch closely the HUNTERS in this hour says the Lord for a family’s house of cards is set for a crash says the Lord.
Malachi 1:4 Thus says theLordof hosts:
“They may build, but I willthrow down;
They shall be called the Territory of Wickedness,
And the people against whom theLordwill have indignation forever.
: God promised that Edom would be permanently ruined and that their status as “unchosen” would not change. This was God’s steadfast commitment to Israel, this was a comfort to God’s people – once He chose Israel they stayed chosen, and God would not forsake them and choose another. Because they had a covenant that happened in the book of genesis between Abraham (Abram) and God, the covenant was sealed with a ceremony common during that time
Malachi 1:6-8 A sonhonorshisfather,
And a servanthismaster.
If then I am the Father,
WhereisMy honor?
And if Iama Master,
WhereisMy reverence?
Says theLordof hosts
To you priests who despise My name.
Yet you say, ‘In what way have we despised Your name?’
7“You offerdefiled food on My altar,
But say,
‘In what way have we defiled You?’
By saying,
‘The table of theLordis[a]contemptible.’
8Andwhen you offer the blind as a sacrifice,
Is itnot evil?
And when you offer the lame and sick,
Is itnot evil?
Offer it then to your governor!
Would he be pleased with you?
Would heaccept[b]you favorably?”
God asked the priests of Israel a very sobering question: why they showed so little respect and honor to Him in their sacrifices. They called GodFather, they called HimMaster, yet they did not honor Him and show Him reverence with their sacrifices.
This problem started or was gaslighted with Eli the priest's rebellious sons.
1 Samuel 2:12-17 The Wicked Sons of Eli
12 Now the sons of Eli were corrupt;[a] they did not know the Lord. 13 And the priests’ custom with the people was that when any man offered a sacrifice, the priest’s servant would come with a three-pronged fleshhook in his hand while the meat was boiling. 14 Then he would thrust it into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot; and the priest would take for himself all that the fleshhook brought up. So they did in Shiloh to all the Israelites who came there. 15 Also, before they burned the fat, the priest’s servant would come and say to the man who sacrificed, “Give meat for roasting to the priest, for he will not take boiled meat from you, but raw.” 16 And if the man said to him, “They should really burn the fat first; then you may take as much as your heart desires,” he would then answer him, “No, but you must give it now; and if not, I will take it by force.” 17 Therefore the sin of the young men was very great before the Lord, for men abhorred[b] the offering of the Lord.
Eli never corrected them, nor stopped this disrespect for the altar of God, because it appears some pagan or rebellious practices crept in there. All these priests did was abuse the sheep and attack people, and for that, they were at enmity with God. They refused to remove the log out of their own eye so how could they ever remove the speck of dust from their neighbor's eye? If all a shepherd does is attack others, twist scripture, and mock as the sons of Eli and Aaron sons did so their portion shall be.
Eli and his wicked sons, the whole lot shall be purged by the hand of the Lord, however, the country needs to learn a grave lesson says the Lord and return unto Me and Holiness for this to TURN, for you are at the precipice if you shall take the Word, your sword and speak it and BE BOLD and BRAVE as I the Lord your God lead you in this Parade, the Charade shall be exposed a strike to the head of social media giants, shall be the wound that causes a fall heard round the world.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, Eli’s wicked sons, abusing their position as their father was in leadership playing a righteous role, the wicked sons of Eli both fell says the Lord of Hosts, and you shall see such occur around the time of fall says the Lord of Hosts a wicked house shall fall, a literal house shall collapse says the Lord of Hosts this day.
1 Samuel 2:22-34
22 Now Eli was very old; and he heard about everything that his sons were doing to all [the people of] Israel, and how they were lying with the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting (tabernacle). 23 Eli said to them, “Why do you do such things, the evil things that I hear from all these people? 24 No, my sons; for the report that I keep hearing from the passers-by among the Lord’s people is not good. 25 If one man does wrong and sins against another, God will intercede (arbitrate) for him; but if a man does wrong to the Lord, who can intercede for him?” But they would not listen to their father, [h]for it was the Lord’s will to put them to death. 26 But the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor both with the Lord and with men. 27 Then a man of God (prophet) came to Eli and said to him, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Did I not plainly reveal Myself to the house of your father (ancestor) when they were in Egypt in bondage to Pharaoh’s house? 28 Moreover, [i]I selected him out of all the tribes of Israel to be My priest, to go up to My altar, to burn incense, to wear an ephod before Me. And [from then on] I gave to the house of your father all the fire offerings of the sons of Israel. 29 Why then do you kick at (despise) My sacrifice and My offering which I commanded in My dwelling place, and honor your sons more than Me, by fattening yourselves with the choicest part of every offering of My people Israel?’ 30 Therefore the Lord God of Israel declares, ‘I did indeed say that your house and that of [Aaron] your father would walk [in priestly service] before Me forever.’ But now the Lord declares, ‘Far be it from Me—for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me will be insignificant and contemptible. 31 Behold, the time is coming when I will cut off your strength and the strength of your father’s house, so that there will not be an old man in your house. 32 You will look at the distress of My [j]house (the tabernacle), in spite of all the good which God will do for Israel, and there will never again be an old man in your house. 33 Yet I will not cut off every man of yours from My altar; your eyes will fail from weeping and your soul will grieve, and all those born in your house will die as men [in the prime of life]. 34 This will be the sign to you which shall come concerning your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas: on the same day, both of them shall die.
1 Samuel 3:15-21
15 So Samuel lay down until morning. Then he opened the doors of the Lord’s house. But Samuel was afraid to tell the vision to Eli. 16 But Eli called Samuel and said, “Samuel, my son.” And he answered, “Here I am.” 17 Then Eli said, “What is it that He said to you? Please do not hide it from me. May God do the same to you, and more also, if you hide from me anything of all that He said to you.” 18 So Samuel told him everything, hiding nothing from him. And Eli said, “It is the Lord; may He do what seems good [b]to Him.” 19 Now Samuel grew; and the Lord was with him and He let none of his words [c]fail [to be fulfilled]. 20 And all Israel from Dan [in the north] to Beersheba [in the south] knew that Samuel was appointed as a prophet of the Lord. 21 And the Lord continued to appear in Shiloh, for the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord.
You know why Eli said this? Because he knew it was all true, he had allowed the corruption, he refused to deal with the issues of his family appropriately, his children had stolen what was not theirs, and INSTEAD of him correcting this he says “well let the Lord do what seems good to him”
Because Eli did not want to deal with it, allowing it to continue was easier until it boiled over and Eli’s sons lost their lives, the ark of the covenant was CAPTURED and Eli fell back and broke his neck and died.
There are MANY who inherited ministries from their parents in this season that were not anointed to take it over, just because its your child doesn’t mean they are anointed to lead, they must be chosen by the Lord to lead and these ministries that have just installed their sons, or spouses, this is the house of Eli we see in this time this hard correction and cleaning out happening.